About Allen

Allen is not machine-washable. Allen does not stick to most dental work. Allen doesn’t make the products you buy, Allen makes them better. Allen is available in specially marked packages. Allen is not recommended where contraindicated. Allen has not been known to cause cancer in laboratory animals. Allen is not an investment, he is intended for entertainment purposes only. Allen contains flammable gas under pressure. Do not taunt happy fun Allen. For best results, rotate Allen halfway through the cooking cycle. Allen should not be taken before operating heavy machinery. Allen may already be a winner. Do no bend, fold, spindle or mutilate Allen. Please store Allen at room temperature. Allen’s contents may have settled during shipping. No part of Allen may be recorded, transmitted or rebroadcast without his explicit written consent. Allen was manufactured with pride in the U.S.A. Allen is free to move about the cabin. Allen’s previous performance is no guarantee of future results. Allen puts his hands in the air like he just don’t care. Never puncture or place Allen in a fire. Ask your doctor if Allen is right for you. Allen is not intended for prolonged use underwater. If skin rash or irritation persists, discontinue use of Allen. Keep Allen out of reach of children. If you would like to know more about Allen, see his supplement in this week’s Parade Magazine.
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